adapted from Hall S "The Spectacle of the Other" in Weatherall, Taylor, Yeates (2001)
Update Feb 2011
My main focus is on Framing (Schon & Rein) and the extensive critical discourse analysis of Fairclough
The work of Wodak concerning allusion seems relevant..
Also I would hope to include
Self Characterisation - Mary Frances (Personal Construct Psychology)
The academic discourse and the public discourse perhaps require different approaches...
I am concerend with exploring if/how those concerned with market segmentation set/limit the subject positions and access re random journeying and how those concerned with depicting the post structural complexity in academia set/limit the subject positions and access...
and as a consequence the bridge between the two
- Coding is a process for both categorizing qualitative data and for describing the implications and details of these categories. Initially one does open coding, considering the data in minute detail while developing some initial categories. Later, one moves to more selective coding where one systematically codes with respect to a core concept.
- Memoing is a process for recording the thoughts and ideas of the researcher as they evolve throughout the study. You might think of memoing as extensive marginal notes and comments. Again, early in the process these memos tend to be very open while later on they tend to increasingly focus in on the core concept.
- Integrative diagrams and sessions are used to pull all of the detail together, to help make sense of the data with respect to the emerging theory. The diagrams can be any form of graphic that is useful at that point in theory development. They might be concept maps or directed graphs or even simple cartoons that can act as summarizing devices. This integrative work is best done in group sessions where different members of the research team are able to interact and share ideas to increase insight.
Evenly suspended attention p 41
Th priciple of opennes implies that the theoretical stucturing of the issue under study is postponed until the sturcturing of the issue under tudy by the persons being studies has emerged" (Hoffman Riem 1980)
Flick (2002) An Introduction to Qualitative Research
Some simple research methods/experiments
Linguisitic Methods list 2011
Critical Discourse Analysis - Re Wodak
CLS Fairclough
of Interview(Staff) / Documents / Library catalog?
European Journal of Social Theory
Fairclough, N. The dialectics of discourse Textus XIV.2 2001a, pages 231-242,
Critical discourse analysis, organizational discourse, and organizational change, Organization Studies 26 2005 915-939
Automated Methods?
Comparison of Methods : Rep Grid (Constructivist) and Narrative Analysis(Social Constructionism)
c.f. Shank & Ableson :Explanation Patterns
4. Checklands SSM: Ref (Soft Systems) (not hard objectivist) I think its a potential- re Habermas
Action Research ref Exploring the relevance of critical theory for action research: Emancipatory action research in the footsteps of Jürgen Habermas
5. D'arcy - C.O.M.P.A.R.E.
6. Semantic Differential - Structuralism? - 1957 Osgood but someone has published 2010
Heise, David R. (2010). Surveying Cultures: Discovering Shared Conceptions and Sentiments. Hoboken NJ: Wiley
Other References
Social Research Structure
Rethinking Critically Reflective Research Practice: Beyond Popper’s Critical Rationalism
Journal of Research Practice, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2006 Ulrich
Bipolarity … or not? Some Conceptual Problems Relating to Bipolar Rating Scales
Bipolarity … or not? Some Conceptual Problems Relating to Bipolar Rating Scales
Author: Mantz Yorke
DOI: 10.1080/01411920120037126
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Published in:
Choose topic that sustains motivation and presents fewest practical problems
Open and closed questions
Group Interviews.
Observation:Partticipant, Covert,Non-Participant
Analyse written language:
Content Analysis,Thematic Analysis, Linguistic analysis(ethnomethodology)
Test a hypothesis.
Randomised controlled trial:gold stadard
Quasi Experiment
Action Research
Case study
On starting the MRes my initial Ideas about methods concerned Psychological Types (Jung) and Personal Construct Psychology (Kelly) |
Quantitative v Qualitative Research - the wrong question -