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Modernist Reproduction > < "Present Ground " * > < Textual & Constructivist Iteration
(Reductionism) (Complexity/Mystification)
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Negatively Framed Ground
(The Commons)
The theoretical response to modernist reproduction, (i.e. post structural theory) offers the possibility of positing an assumed ground / commons of 'inclusive value' and emergent co-creation (Massumi & Manning 2010), however the post - modernist forces of (re)production, both material: mechanical/electronic and academic:constructivist/textual ( Weatherall et al, 2001, referring to Witgensteins Language games. state discourse is concerned with 'building worlds') may be motivated (by job security, position, niche etc) by the economic metric (Marx) to impose an assumed 'comparative value' that privileges the various varieties of construction.
Is potential space for / discourse on emergent form/agreement from a common source (e.g. Appreciative Judgement (Vickers) in the academy/public sphere obscured by constructionist values driven comparative expert judgement and language games? (perhaps this is considered, spiritual space?)
Are the commons and public space for potential inclusive emergence: framed negatively ie perceived as a threat from each 'opposing' constructed metric? (Massumi)
eg the theory of 'emergence' (Hyeck /Delanda) - appropriated by the closed/exclusive designed economic metric system and dismissed as such by the forces of textual reproduction based on closed discourse? when emergence is a property of natural open systems(Wynne B( 2005)
The increasing complexity of such constructed expert language games and the stereotyped reductionism of Modernism provide a fertile ground for endless argumentation, (reducing sensitivity?) also can the expressive dominance of performative iteration (Austin/ Kristeva) obscure/block collective sensitivity to a common creative emergence ?
Can this also block progressive (non competitive) innovation and automation in both the theoretical and innovative-productive realm ? (eg Logical Typing/ General System Theory/Complexity theory > Deleuze)
Should those concerned with space for communicative discourse (Habermas) (e.g. the university) take account of this (symbolicly distorted communication) by actively exploring if the (excluded) 'random flows' and and 'layerd textured surfaces of natural environments' perhaps could facilitate emergent agreement ?
Do/Should Discourse Analysis based Methodologies (e.g. Mouff / Fairclough) take account of this
Is this an exclusive dialectical framing of theoretical perspective... excluding sensitivity to middle ground?
* "Present Ground" - the term acknowledges the difference in type, of the 'present moment' from the 'past' and 'future' ,which are actually both consturcted and experienced in the present, it could be perceived as a ground that we do not 'escape from' although we may convince ourselves we do with our language, that ground is our inclusive source. not an enclosed segmented 'objective' conceptual aspect, or idea, nor something that can be enclosed or segmented, but a living inclusive shared presence and source of all we are...the dynamic self-organising nature of natural systems...
Massumi & Manning A Continuum of Modes of Perception - Neurodiversity
re : Human language (with its inherent conceptual boundaries & dualism?) <> Textured Perceptual Relating (Co-creation & Emergence)
1 Massumi, B , The-political-ontology-of-threat The affect theory reader
2. Massumi & Manning "Coming alive in a world of Texture (Video)"
: the blurring of "Autist/Artist" is not a mistake...the authentic artist really does have to step back from Neurotypical position if they are to leap... there are material/reified methods and more authentic methods of achieving this as usual and the market chooses its own favorites... 'objectivisation' or 'mutual dance of attention'...efficiency...or ?
3. Weatherall,Taylor, Yates. 2001 "Discourse Theory and Practice": Introduction
"People are using their language to construct versions of the social world": (1)built from existing resources (components) , (2)there is an active selection of these components, (3)people experience events in terms of their linguistic constructions
see The Thomas Theorem and The Matthew Effect. Robert K. Merton. Social Forces, December 1995, 74(2):379-424.
c.f Sapir Whorf
4. Vickers, Sir Geoffrey (1995) The Art of Judgment – A Study of Policy Making. Sage
+ Massumi: Artspace into the Diagram
Creative Involution Deleuze & Guttari
* its the nature of academia to focus on distinction, more subtle distinctions and changes in relevant distinctions, indeed that is the theoretical foundation of research. However, the balance between valid distinction and distinction for mystification is a delicate one.
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