
"Dialogue is mutual search for a new reality, not debate to win with stronger arguments. In a dialogue propositions are pointers toward a common new reality; not against each other to win a verbal battle, but complementing each other in an effort to accommodate legitimate goals of all parties, inspired by theories and values, and constructive-creative-concrete enough to become a causa finalis". Galtuung

"I use the concept of affect as away of talking about a margin of manouverability, the 'where we might be able to go' and 'what we might be able to do' in every present situation. I guess 'affect' is a word I use for 'hope': Massumi

"A discourse is a system of words, actions, rules, beliefs, and institutions that share common values. Particular discourses sustain particular worldviews. We might even think of a discourse as a worldview in action. Discourses tend to be invisible--taken for granted as part of the fabric of reality."Fairclough

Emergence is “the principle that entities exhibit properties which are meaningful only when attributed to the whole, not to its parts.” Checkland

"What the designer cares about is whether the user perceives that some action is possible (or in the case of perceived non-affordances, not possible)." Norman

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Depicting the Affordance Gap, (Functional Fixedness) (Hegemony?) Re Water as a resource

This is an attempt to depict what I call an 'affordance gap', (Re Norman) as the already identified  designed objects percieved affordance may shutter out certain natural affordances, the example here being water suppy,  perhaps bottled water would have been a better example focus , those sources shuttered out from the central initial focus (home tap, and assumed function, in this case identified as ' controlling water flow'), may include public water fountains for example or water containing plants...our knowledge restricted perhaps by the historical norms or the market (in the example of bottled water) I mention the "travel tap' here a portable water filtering system that lets you drink from streams and lakes
It seems to me that aspects of   'Hegemony' (Gramsci) could potentially also be depicted in this way

The depiction utilizes a 'contextualizer'
A software system I have designed that offers a semi structured space for people to find their way through communication issues (and design issues) encouraging when appropriate compilmentary solutions

whiteboards v iPads

hegemony: tap water - rain collection fountain etc

tv  - inner visualisation
information - intuition
cigarettes - breath 

Gramsci  A.    http://www.theory.org.uk/ctr-gram.htm#hege
Norman D.     http://www.jnd.org/dn.mss/affordances_and_desi.html

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