
"Dialogue is mutual search for a new reality, not debate to win with stronger arguments. In a dialogue propositions are pointers toward a common new reality; not against each other to win a verbal battle, but complementing each other in an effort to accommodate legitimate goals of all parties, inspired by theories and values, and constructive-creative-concrete enough to become a causa finalis". Galtuung

"I use the concept of affect as away of talking about a margin of manouverability, the 'where we might be able to go' and 'what we might be able to do' in every present situation. I guess 'affect' is a word I use for 'hope': Massumi

"A discourse is a system of words, actions, rules, beliefs, and institutions that share common values. Particular discourses sustain particular worldviews. We might even think of a discourse as a worldview in action. Discourses tend to be invisible--taken for granted as part of the fabric of reality."Fairclough

Emergence is “the principle that entities exhibit properties which are meaningful only when attributed to the whole, not to its parts.” Checkland

"What the designer cares about is whether the user perceives that some action is possible (or in the case of perceived non-affordances, not possible)." Norman

Monday 18 June 2012

Cultural Stacks: Ideology, Interpellation, Subject Position

Also the layer "below" the common cultural layers is our planet Earth (BwO) (Deleuze?)
Our common natural freedoms, and semiotics? , (complimentary and self-similar) emergent from the 'random movements' of layered textured surfaces in relation to our subject position... may be shuttered out/excluded by the ideological forces of cultural construction...(Language and it's bias for fixed boundaries,dualism and absolute opposition) (also the postmodern force of the situated flat plane)

....where does Discourse Analysis fit in the context of this, it's concerned with social constructions (from the 'common' layers (c.f Personal Construct Psychology with its focus on individual subject position and numeric categories) but the focus/limit is language with the limits/biases mentioned above...)

It's access to the "experiments"/ "appreciative modes" that explore these 'natural'/'random' layers or dismiss them as not worth exploring that is the issue of concern and as such it relates to research methods as they compare across the   qualitative/quantitative divide/bridge...

There is a relation to conceptions of 'efficiency' which may be defined within the cultural layer or stack but not necessarily beyond it,  this also relates to automation and the considered potential of automation and what is considered an  acceptable  level of automation .... c.f viability of  evolution of solutions via randomness and redistribution of wealth ... (see Hogarth/Einhorn)

c.f Shapiro:

"Derrida's deconstruction can be shown to disclose how  social order rests on forgetting the exclusion practices through which one set of meanings had been institutionalised and various other possibilities have been marginalized."  321

Interpellation re Althusser, Louis. (1972)
Subject Position re Davies and Harre (2011)
Hogarth (1990) Insights into decision making 

...perhaps need to think more about...Hegemony ...and the fluid corporate driven  market profiling/segmentation of today  (Re Massumi)

...in the context of inclusive value c.f comparative and exchange value


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