
"Dialogue is mutual search for a new reality, not debate to win with stronger arguments. In a dialogue propositions are pointers toward a common new reality; not against each other to win a verbal battle, but complementing each other in an effort to accommodate legitimate goals of all parties, inspired by theories and values, and constructive-creative-concrete enough to become a causa finalis". Galtuung

"I use the concept of affect as away of talking about a margin of manouverability, the 'where we might be able to go' and 'what we might be able to do' in every present situation. I guess 'affect' is a word I use for 'hope': Massumi

"A discourse is a system of words, actions, rules, beliefs, and institutions that share common values. Particular discourses sustain particular worldviews. We might even think of a discourse as a worldview in action. Discourses tend to be invisible--taken for granted as part of the fabric of reality."Fairclough

Emergence is “the principle that entities exhibit properties which are meaningful only when attributed to the whole, not to its parts.” Checkland

"What the designer cares about is whether the user perceives that some action is possible (or in the case of perceived non-affordances, not possible)." Norman

Sunday 5 June 2011

Massumi & Manning

"Brian Massumi and Erin Manning lecturing about Coming Alive in a World of Texture: For Neurodiversity at the Thinking - Resisting - Reading the Political conference in Giessen, Germany, November 12th 2010 
They talk about multiplicities of existences, emergent relations in the environment, re-conceptualizing what it means to be "human" and what it means to be "autistic". Specifically they focus on neuro typical experience of experiential fielding, inter-modal modes of existence, intricacies of perception, environmental awareness, entrainment, and actively relational thinking"


Emergence, Experiential Field, Qualitative

This appears to me a dynamic balance of performativity & knowledge, a coda? the contrast  between the neurotypical & the autistic somehow acting as a vehicle for and extended insight feedback... into the eco(emergent) - conceptual(classification) awareness affordance? choice from moment to moment?
Automatic Reconstructon (Reproduction, Function) and Concious Reconstruction (Reflexive/Aesthetic?)...

I picked up that this  concerned with that (field effect)  which emerges beyond and before categorisation and social construction... (Delanda)  of the celebration inherent in and emergent from the ecological...? potential inherent in matter....(BwO), before the cut of the intellectual knife of conceptualisation...
before conceptualisation gets to work on the phenomenological experience...
Before themes are picked from the raw data...

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